Presentations and Publications

IPTAR Clinical Center

Rentrop, C.B. (2005), Transformations of Trauma and Loss: Report of the IPTAR School-based Psychotherapy Project. Presented at the Tavistock Center’s First European Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Educational Settings Conference, Paris, France.

Evert, E.C. (2005). Cycles of Denial and Awe: Working with Trauma through the IPTAR Clinical Center’s School-Based Service. J. Infant Child Adolesc. Psychother., 4:310-320.  Also presented at IPTAR’s Child and Adolescent Program’s Visiting Lecture Series.

Rentrop, C.B. (2005). The IPTAR Clinical Center’s School-Based Service: Children Who Have Children—Case Report of a School-Based Intervention with Adolescent Parents. J.

Infant Child Adolesc. Psychother., 4:321-33.  Also presented at IPTAR’s Child and Adolescent Program’s Visitning Lecture Series.

Shaffer, R.  (2011). The Case of D:  A four times a week pscyoanalysis of a ten year old boy over the course of five years.  Presented at The New York Freudian Society.

DeLardemelle, C.  (2012). I didn’t destroy you, we have survived:  A young girl’s revelations about psychotherapy and lessons for her therapist.  Presented at IPTAR’s A Child Therapist at Work.